
Otter team names

Otters are known for being charming, energetic, playful, nice to each other, and fun-loving.

Top 5 Otter team names

  1. 🎷 🦦 Jazzy Otters
  2. πŸ₯¦ 🦦 Broccoli Otters
  3. πŸͺ„ 🦦 Magic Otters
  4. 🎸 🦦 Rocking Otters
  5. πŸ‘‘ 🦦 Royal Otters


Don't like any of them?

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Fun facts about otters

  • Otters use rocks to crack open their food

  • The collective noun for a group of otters is a 'raft'

  • Otters can close their nostrils and ears to keep water out

  • Otters keep their fur waterproof with their own natural oils

  • Sea otters can stay underwater for up to 8 minutes

🎷 🦦

Jazzy Otters

🎷 🦦

Jazzy Otters

Jazzy Otters 🎷 🦦

Save the "Jazzy Otters" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸ₯¦ 🦦

Broccoli Otters

πŸ₯¦ 🦦

Broccoli Otters

Broccoli Otters πŸ₯¦ 🦦

Save the "Broccoli Otters" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸͺ„ 🦦

Magic Otters

πŸͺ„ 🦦

Magic Otters

Magic Otters πŸͺ„ 🦦

Save the "Magic Otters" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

🎸 🦦

Rocking Otters

🎸 🦦

Rocking Otters

Rocking Otters 🎸 🦦

Save the "Rocking Otters" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸ‘‘ 🦦

Royal Otters

πŸ‘‘ 🦦

Royal Otters

Royal Otters πŸ‘‘ 🦦

Save the "Royal Otters" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.
