
Panda team names

Pandas are known for being spontaneous, gentle, and present.

Top 5 Panda team names

  1. 🌢 🐼 Chili Pandas
  2. πŸ‘‘ 🐼 Royal Pandas
  3. 🎸 🐼 Rocking Pandas
  4. πŸ₯œ 🐼 Peanut Pandas
  5. πŸ₯ 🐼 Kiwi Pandas


Don't like any of them?

Click here to generate your own!

Fun facts about pandas

  • Pandas have 40 teeth, humans only 32.

  • The scientific name for the panda is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, which means 'black and white cat-footed animal'

  • A Pandas' diet consists mostly of bamboo

  • Pandas can live up to 20 years in the wild and can reach weights of up to 300 pounds

  • Pandas have been a symbol of peace in China for centuries

🌢 🐼

Chili Pandas

🌢 🐼

Chili Pandas

Chili Pandas 🌢 🐼

Save the "Chili Pandas" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸ‘‘ 🐼

Royal Pandas

πŸ‘‘ 🐼

Royal Pandas

Royal Pandas πŸ‘‘ 🐼

Save the "Royal Pandas" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

🎸 🐼

Rocking Pandas

🎸 🐼

Rocking Pandas

Rocking Pandas 🎸 🐼

Save the "Rocking Pandas" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸ₯œ 🐼

Peanut Pandas

πŸ₯œ 🐼

Peanut Pandas

Peanut Pandas πŸ₯œ 🐼

Save the "Peanut Pandas" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸ₯ 🐼

Kiwi Pandas

πŸ₯ 🐼

Kiwi Pandas

Kiwi Pandas πŸ₯ 🐼

Save the "Kiwi Pandas" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.
