
Whale team names

Whales are known for being cooperative, devoted, and conscientious.

Top 5 Whale team names

  1. πŸ₯ 🐳 Kiwi Whales
  2. 🌈 🐳 Rainbow Whales
  3. πŸ‘‘ 🐳 Royal Whales
  4. 🫐 🐳 Blueberry Whales
  5. 🎸 🐳 Rocking Whales


Don't like any of them?

Click here to generate your own!

Fun facts about whales

  • Whales have been around for over 50 million years

  • The largest species of whales (the blue whale) can grow to be up to 33 meters long and weigh up to 190 tons

  • Some whales can hold their breath underwater for up to 90 minutes

  • Whales communicate with each other by making complex songs and patterns. It’s almost like they live in a musical.

  • The proportion of a whale's brain compared to its body is larger than any other animal

πŸ₯ 🐳

Kiwi Whales

πŸ₯ 🐳

Kiwi Whales

Kiwi Whales πŸ₯ 🐳

Save the "Kiwi Whales" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

🌈 🐳

Rainbow Whales

🌈 🐳

Rainbow Whales

Rainbow Whales 🌈 🐳

Save the "Rainbow Whales" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

πŸ‘‘ 🐳

Royal Whales

πŸ‘‘ 🐳

Royal Whales

Royal Whales πŸ‘‘ 🐳

Save the "Royal Whales" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

🫐 🐳

Blueberry Whales

🫐 🐳

Blueberry Whales

Blueberry Whales 🫐 🐳

Save the "Blueberry Whales" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.

🎸 🐳

Rocking Whales

🎸 🐳

Rocking Whales

Rocking Whales 🎸 🐳

Save the "Rocking Whales" team name to your list so you can download it as a PDF and print it.
